A person who continuously adds 'friends' to their friends list on Facebook, though many-or-most are actually strangers or simply casual acquaintances, solely for the purpose of appearing popular on Facebook: Facehooker
Note: This person's SOLE interaction with his/her new, so-called 'friends' is: "Thanks for the add."
"I received an FB friend request today from a chic I've never met. She apparently wants to 'know' me, wants me to be number 820!?! What a Facehooker!"
by faroutly April 7, 2010
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1. An individual, though usually middle school/ high school-aged girls (sometimes guys), who use Facebook to ridiculously display themselves in hopes of attracting the attention of a person of sexual interest to them.

Usually found in the badly focused, self-taken photographs that show the individual making absurd, foolish faces that are actually meant to be sexy.

2. Any such person who uses Facebook as a way of maintaining or advertising their love life or lack thereof.

3. An idiot
JANE DOE'S STATUS: "Should I tell him or not?!?!?!?!?"

Dude, what's up with your sister's profile pic? She's such a Facehooker.
by TeaKB December 8, 2009
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The excessive act of trying to pick up on facebook
Mary the facehooker stalks guys on facebook until she has a date.
by Ryan0330 December 23, 2007
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Someone who stays up late at night looking for people to "friend" on Facebook.
It was a busy night for Betty, a Facehooker in her prime, getting another twenty "friends" under her belt.
by erinad July 17, 2009
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Someone who is not on Facebook, who uses your Facebook to check on people.
"Will you check on Facebook to see if this guy is on there?".

"Gosh, you such a Facehooker".
by beanedog June 17, 2011
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One who gets around on the social networking site, Facebook. Typically, younger teenage sisters, flirting on multiple guys facebooks.

(A Facebook Slut)
" 'Cmon, Boosh is on in 2 minutes"

" Just wait! I have to finish facebooking Michael and Chad!"

" You Facehooker"
by Jeebs99 May 3, 2009
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Being totally hooked and infatuated with the social networking site, Facebook. Recognising somebody who is facehooked should be no trouble, their news feed will be full of poinltless status updates, and you will find they talk to people far more than they are talked to.

In addition, the person will be constantly checking their status on their phone and computer to the point that it becomes hideously irritating.
"I went round to Max's last night but we barely spoke, he was glued to his phone the whole time. When i got home I check my facebook I saw all is status updates! He's totally Facehooked!"

- Max is getting out a mug
- Max is getting out the tea
- Max is making a cup of tea
- Max is drinking a cup of tea
- Max is washing up a mug
- Max is drying a mug
- Max is putting the mug away
- Max is hanging up the tea towel
- Max enjoyed his tea.
by Scowley July 23, 2009
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