the act of neither confirming nor ignoring friend requests of those that I full well know and remember, but who have thrown me even the SLIGHTEST bit of shade in the past. I instead leave them to linger for days, weeks and sometimes a full month in 'friend request purgatory'--for punishment... and purification--before finally accepting their requests and welcoming them into "heaven" (i.e. my friend list)
Did your ex boyfriend friend request you? He's on Facebook now.

Yes girl, I have him locked away in Facebook friend request purgatory, to give him time to think about his choices and hopefully make better ones in the future.
by mskimisfierce May 13, 2010
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Facebook Friend Binge: The act of sending many requests, at one time, to be friends with random individuals on facebook; adding people you wish to creep or learn more on.

Facebook Friend Purge: The act of deleting friends off of your friend list due to their incessant status' or knowing you will never see nor speak to the person ever again.
Ex. 1 Sarah: "Did you hear that Carolyn had a facebook friend purge recently?"

Eva: "Should I feel honored that I'm still on her list?"

Ex. 2 Chris: "I'm not proud; I facebook friend request binged last night."

Carolyn: "That's alright, at least they aren't calories. Facebook Friend Request Binge and Purge(s) happen to the best of us."
by musicallyfit848 December 26, 2009
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