Guy 1: Hey dude, what happened to your facepants?
Guy 2: My girlfriend doesn't like facial hair, so I shaved them off
by DBDWallStreet March 25, 2010
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When a girl wants to chat up a guy but also wants to play hard-to-get at the same time, she just says "Hi" in facebook chat, and guy will "take over" the conversation from there.
Samantha (on facebook): Hi
Dick (on facebook): Oh hi samantha, how are you?
* silence *
Dick (on facebook): Pretty boring day huh?
* silence. Dick, sensing a faceping prods on *
Dick (on facebook): So, any news?
Samantha (on facebook, faking disinterest): meh
by frustro May 17, 2009
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Not to be confused with it's video counterpart, the faceflick, a facepic is a picture that "just has to go on facebook".
"OMG, that is such a facepic!"

" facepic right there!"
by B. LaBoon April 11, 2008
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