T can't go to the pool cause her kooch is exsanguinating
by ccdeville December 30, 2005
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A medical term meaning to drain a person's blood, popularlized by a first season X-Files episode.
Doctor: This is a bad case of exsanguination.
Med student: No shit, he's all white.
by Bethany1013 February 11, 2006
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Song by AFI, who rule.
You watched me dying.
Holding me down, you brought my rebirth.
by Katherine April 26, 2005
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To drain of blood; make bloodless. The common way for the Shadow, Emmy-Chan, to get the most out of her victims.

The young man was nothing after Shadow decided to exsanguinate him, he was just a pale sack of skin, bones, and dried up viscera.
by The Shadow, Emmy-Chan August 27, 2008
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