Ears with Feet - the quote below explains where it came from but what exactly is an EWF? Another word that could be used is Toriphile (the suffix phile 'lover of), so Ears with Feet are simply, lovers of Tori. These are the people you'll find waiting in line for hours to get tickets to her concerts, they probably have a web page devoted to her, and can tell you the lyrics to just about everyone one of her songs.

So that's the definition, but what made Tori think of Ears With Feet? Well, when Tori was a child she says she had really big ears and it just looked like she was a pair of ears with feet.

The title 'Ears With Feet' is kind of an honor, it's a way to set us apart from the fans of any other musician. The title is a special bond formed between Tori and those that love her music. No other artist that I can think of has ever had such a devoted fanbase.

Ears With Feet are the people you'll find making conversion tapes in an attempt to turn others on to her music. They even have a special language. The best EWF sites are
Girl.. "wtf is an EWF?"
artist.. "It's what Tori Amos lovingly refers to her fans, to me , Enlightened Wonderful Few!"
Girl.. "never heard of her ."
artist.."you are missing out , Its like the greatful dead only better shoes !" Pry it open .
by arval February 28, 2019
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it's a combo of "oof" and "ew", when your "oof" requires a little more disgust.
by tee-funk November 12, 2006
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a palindrome to describe the sensation of whiplash, no matter the scenario.
by Sarah P. Drome. June 24, 2010
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