The religion of the Na'vi in Avatar. The religious concept that God is in the nature of all things, that one can become one with whatever is in the natural enviroment, but still retain identity.
When I first saw Avatar, everyone stood up and clapped at the end of the movie: the enviro-panetheism theme connected with everyone.
by Guido1 December 31, 2010
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To throw a tantrum (sometimes counter-productively) in response to a non-environmentally friendly product or practice.
The torching of Hummers.


J threw an enviro-fit and tossed the full pepper grinder in the garbage because it was not refillable.

by littlewolf January 14, 2009
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To be concious of our planet's well-being. Taking responsibility for maintaining the Earth's natural resources.
"Look at Jake cleaning up all that litter. He's so enviro-sponsible."

"The All-New Toyota Prius Hybrid, efficient transportation for the enviro-sponsible driver."

"If only George Bush could be more enviro-sponsible!"
by wordcraft September 18, 2006
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a. pertaining to the earth's natural land and habitat
> preserving, clean air, protecting animals going into
extinction > enviromental friendly
b. enviro mental fool > just plain looney
be enviromental friendly dont litter or U just ENVIRO MENTAL FOOL
by SGT.PLOW February 3, 2008
An alternative high school in Apple Valley, MN that makes every student who attends it become either a tree hugger, a pothead, or gay. Or any combination there of.
by Willow December 5, 2003
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an annual school-supported contest that challenges students in CNY to learn more about nature, such as forestry or aquatics; a contest in which the winning team is awarded a trophy that signifies students who are aware of their environment
Student 1: "Hey did you find out who won the Enviro-thon?"
Student 2: " Yeah the kids from Pulaski won the trophy, they must really know a lot about nature and stuff."
Student 1: "Didn't they only have like 4 people?"
Student 2: "Yep and they still won."
by Ð@ñ February 19, 2009
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