To make larger, to become big
During the baking process the cake became so enbiggened that it was bursting over the edges of the pan.
by Carolyn Watson Dubisch November 10, 2007
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Common misspelling of "Embiggen".


Embiggen means to enlarge. Or, in a metaphorical sense, to empower.
"A noble spirit enbiggens embiggens the smallest man" - Jebediah Springfield

Edna Krabappel: "Embiggens"? I never heard that word before I came to Springfield.
Miss Hoover: I don't know why. It's a perfectly cromulent word.
by AnotherHiggins September 5, 2007
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To make bigger.

See also: ensmallenate, enlargenate, disenbiggenate.
by enbiggenator July 22, 2014
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to expand, make larger
"Travel enbiggens the smallest of men." Jebediah Springfield
by siege September 30, 2003
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"She'll probably get hitched when she gits enbiggened"

"She certainly has an enbiggebed opinion of herself"
by Boba June 22, 2004
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To scale upwardly in size
Oy mate, that looks wrong, you need to ENBIGGEN it...!!
by iki July 21, 2003
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enbiggen: to enlarge
Example: 'Can you enbiggen the screen please?'
by AbsoluteDumb February 23, 2023
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