Activity that can interfere with your time passed on drug or games.
If the school is interfering with your drug, beer or games activities, just drop it!
by Mathilda February 1, 2005
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Where you go as a vulnerable child to be brainwashed by the state because your unshaped minds are moldable and your minds are susceptible to their lies.
Just say no to education and drugs.Just drop out and educate yourself so that you can be an indivudal instead of a mind controlled zombie who's totally controlled by the state.

Otherwise you'll just end up another tattooed,pierced,inbred,pie-fucker!
by Freemasons are Satanists March 10, 2005
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Something you have to get while you are at school that claims help you later in your life
Mom: go to school and get your education

Kid: I don't need that shit. I'm going to die young
by Amyy17 February 2, 2016
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dude: i want to do education
*69 years later...*
dudes child: i want to do education
dude: suck it up it is gonna be hell
by p;dado January 25, 2019
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Education, as coined by dead prez
"They schools can't teach us shit
My people need freedom, we tryin to get all we can get
All my high school teachers can suck my dick
Tellin me white man lies straight bullshit
They schools aint teachin us, what we need to know to survive
They schools don't educate, all they teach the people is lies"
"Man that education shit is a joke
The same people who control the school system control
The prison system, and the whole social system
Ever since slavery, nawsayin?"
by Shante June 17, 2006
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A trait that Karl Rove fears greatly. The amount of education one possesses is inversely proportional to the enthusiasm of the Republican party at the prospect of him/her voting.
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans...unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing." - Karl Rove
by Nero Xantara November 2, 2004
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