by metaldan123 October 20, 2015
An individual who uses a dog for any of the following: 1) sexual contact, 2) fouling public places with faeces, 3) placing faeces where children play, 4) imposing their dog(s) onto members of the public, 4) causing noise nuisance.
by topwise September 4, 2019
An individual who sexually interferes with those members of the Canis Lupus Familiaris species who are yet to acheive full sexual maturity
by Well sick dog fucker November 1, 2008
A person who would loves to molest dogs infront of schools. Often while staring deadeyed at the smallest on the playground
by Practicaldickhead December 23, 2019
by bakebakeoni April 20, 2018
UK slang - particularly used around Lincolnshire - to describe one who is overly passionate about both their own and others dogs.
by Poiuut March 6, 2020
by Capybatman January 25, 2020