Science teacher: "...and at the end of the digestive system, waste products are excreted in the form of faeces."

Class clown translates: "SHITTY POO COME OUT OF BUM."
by HelloMyNameIsNoneOfYourBusines February 12, 2010
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The brown stuff that comes out of your bottom. Commonly known as poo, shit, or crap.
"Eww. Look at that animal's faeces!"
by May 7, 2006
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A number of pieces of excremental matter.
"What ho, my good chap! It appears that during one's perambulatory peripateticism one has encountered a number of pieces of excremental matter that have adhered to the base-plate of one's footwear. S**T!
by Fred Smith October 24, 2003
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My kid just laid faeces on your mum's clothes. Steaming...
by BISTO!!!!!!!! February 7, 2003
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1: It's like feces, but British.
2: Quite simply put, a turd or log. Or for you more uncouth chaps - shit.
Brit 1: "I say lad, what's that steaming pile of brown stuff?"
Brit 2: "Why that's faeces kind sir. Pass my crumpet and tea."
Brit 3: "Good show!"

by Meat Slapper October 20, 2007
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Another way to spell face, as in a typo. Faec as opposed to Face.
Your faec is fucked.
by TX2^2 November 9, 2010
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