A mass of toilet paper and feces that clings to the anus and surrounding anal hairs.
While scratching my rectum, I was pleasantly suprised to find a plethora of dingleberries suspended in my pubic hair.
by Allen Schmidt May 9, 2003
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a small piece of doodoo that hangs on an ass hair
I was doing 69 with my girl when she told me a dingleberry fell into her nostril
by slicksal June 13, 2007
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A dingleberry is a peice of shit that doesn't know how to swim so she hangs onto your anal hairs for her life while you are pushing Mr. Brown. Dingleberries plural for dingleberry.
I was wiping my ass the other day, and OUCH!! i just ripped off my favorite dingleberry!
by Ceyhan August 27, 2004
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A stinky nugget of dried shit that gets glued to your butthole pubes
Mrs. Manson has a lot of dingleberries
by Cuntwaffle October 28, 2009
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a festuring smouder of anal dreads that are formed from sloppy droppings that decend from ones anal cavity and clings to ones ring pubis.
dingle smell single smell dingle through my fray.. oh what fun it is to tug on my back yards ropey clay.
by dans May 2, 2003
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An ass-booger that makes for great rolling and flicking, having a characteristically rubbery clay-like texture due to being largely made up of fecal matter.
While watching TV, I enjoy the simultaneous pastime of plucking the dingleberry, or 'dingle' from my rectal ring, often time plucking the pubic follicle along with it. After the decadent act of flicking it on the carpet, the reward is that you can smell your finger for quite sometime afterwards, relishing the memory, and anticipating the next dingle.

"Stinky, the poop man, was a smelly runny soul, with a brown top hat, and a turd-nose, and two eyes made out of dingle"
by Cab Callaway January 3, 2006
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Dingleberries are found in the anal and choad region of the body. They are a combination of toilet paper and sheot. This combination is practically indestructable.
by CHOAD April 8, 2003
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