Everyone knows what they are! The question is: Why aren't they called dangleberries?
Q: name a berry that is not good in a pie.

A: dingleberry
by SEVEN CARD December 4, 2006
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There seems to be a misconception concerning the forming of a dingleberry and whether toilet paper is actually part of said dingleberry. A dingleberry is simply a rogue particle of shit that mysteriously attaches itself to a butt hair. Toilet paper only becomes involved in attempting to remove the offending turd. One first notices a dingleberry after crapping & feeling an odd "tug" on ones butt hair. Then the person wiggles back and forth making the dingleberry go side to side hitting the butt cheeks like a striker hitting a church bell.
That was the biggest dingleberry since Kato Kalin
by bigbobp September 24, 2008
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1. a small piece of feces stuck in the hairs around the anus after defacation.

2. a person who is perhaps intelligient but engages in annoying behavior
That professor just assigned a 25-page paper, what a dingleberry!
by Rocket J. Squirrel August 30, 2005
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The crusty fecal matter that cannot be removed on the first wipe. These devilish pieces of turd dangle like unwanted Christmas ornaments. Just as you commit to wiping any remnants away, they form into tiny clusters resembling a horrible goulash of brown and black nuggets.
Dangit! I got some dingleberry stuck in my drawers again! Bring out the 2 ply Charmin!
by DingleDangle October 24, 2007
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A common yet delightful hybrid of fecal matter, shit paper, and ass hair. Dingleberry's can be the result of poor anal hygine and are the primary suspect for the infamous ass itch
syndrome and the all familiar skid mark. Can be alleviated by immediate shower following a nice relaxing dump. Most men, however, enjoy the accumulation and smell of a finely aged dingleberry!
Man, I haven't washed my stink hole for two weeks, and have come down with a serious case of ass itch. I hate to do it but I think I'll get my girl to clip off those delightful dingleberrys! Sure will miss the skids!
by King Turd January 20, 2006
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A follower of the some-what well known vlogger on youtube JoshuaDTV
by olrowe May 9, 2015
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A dingleberry is very simply, a piece of fecal matter which hangs on to the ass hair within a mans ass crack ommiting an unpleasent odor which can be smelled when close to ones ass. It can also cause itching in the anal area.
Damn man, I got a case of dingleberrys. I better clean my shit better next time.
by C. Ciccone September 5, 2005
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