1. Any pubic hair from the top of your ass crack to the chota.
2. When ones balls hang unubstructed and free to slap on your legs they are in full dingle.
I let my balls dingle over Tylers face for a minute before I t-bagged him square on the lips.
by Jimboozie October 15, 2003
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"You're being kind of a dingle!" - Pan Pan
"You're acting like a big dingle!" - Grizz
by aiyaheya October 13, 2018
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An extra scrotum with which some men are born. It is located behind the primary scrotum and does not have its own testes; it is an extra empty sack of skin. It gets its name because it sometimes "dingles" down to the butt hole and gets shit on it, dingle-berry style.
Poor Mike tried to take a dump in the woods while camping and got shit all over his dingle because it hung down in front of his anus as he was squatting. On the bright side, he didn't need toilet paper.
by eplane March 27, 2012
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1. derived from latin, this great word had intrinsic value amoung the acient skittles of Rome
2. often used to make fun of a blunder or missunderstanding
3. A nicer alternative to retard or fucking idiot
1. "I fell down the stairs today" "YOU DINGLE!"
2. "WOW, this is like the 16th bithday of (persons name!)DINGLE it is her 16th birthday!"
3. Egg is a meat... DINGLE
4. Does being diabetic make your knuckles more cracky? DINGLE!

by stinkalina October 10, 2005
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1. A derivitive of dingleberry, meaning the same
2. The sound your balls make when you slap them back and forth between ur legs.
by TRC Fo Life October 10, 2003
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An Austrlian term refering to a minor car accident, often used by radio traffic reporters. See also: prang.
"Mate I had a bit of a dingle on the F3, now I gotta pay $200 for the bloody panel damage!"
by Komp June 21, 2004
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