the believability of something. made by stephen colbert
the crumbelievability of that is pretty low
by alex14 August 25, 2006
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1. A recent commercial declared by Stephen Colbert to be a beacon of hope that will lead us to regaining our cultural unity as a nation.

2. A synonym for unbelivable used for humorous effect.
1. "If America is to prevail in World War III, we'll need some sort of common experience to bond us as a people... I believe the love for the word "Crumbelievable" is just the thing we need. Soon enough we'll be seeing crumbelievable t-shirts selling like hot cakes.

2. "Gas prices these days are outrageous! Crumbelievable, even."
by filliam_h_muffman_fan_86 August 24, 2006
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the state of being unbelievably crumbly, or just unbelievable
Steve: So how's the army treatin' ya?
Derek: It's good, real good.
Steve: Crumbelievable!
by Derek May 21, 2006
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When a person is engaging in sexual endeavors and starts feeling crumbs and the partner says it's just bread crumbs and the other partner says "I don't believe it"
Man - What the hell are these?

Woman - It's just bread crumbs

Man - That's crumbelievable
by stghm June 26, 2006
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A non-word used by Pizza Hut believed to mean "unbelievably crummy"
by furnlerg March 9, 2011
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