confused + puzzled + -lated?

confuzzled with a '-lated' added on the end for fun.
i was so confuzzlated in math class cuz all the numbers on the board don't mean jackshit.
by superflychick June 1, 2006
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A combination of being confused and puzzled, thus being twice as confused or puzzled as you would be normally.
Uh, teacher! I'm confuzzled by that math problem!
by Will Monaco November 12, 2007
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synonym to confused, but the best way of writing it. If you are cool, you write it like this.
Dude, that assignment had me cofuzzled

Yo I played a trick on her and she was confuzzled!

I'm so confuzzled, Gabi, help!
by wagawaga December 2, 2009
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a combination of the words confuse and puzzle meaning frustrated and confused
by Maggie M June 20, 2006
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The state of being confused and puzzled at the same time.
-Your logic confuzzles me.
-This new application on facebook has me confuzzled.
by flibirdijibit February 18, 2008
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an adjective: the act of being so confused that everything said to you becomes puzzling.
So you, mean, wait, what?, I'm so confuzzled!
by Kare Bear July 30, 2003
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