A setting or event where the number of woman is overly concentrated resulting in general catty or bitchy behavior. The exact opposite of a Sausage Festival.
They need to hire some dudes on the sales team; it's a clam bake over there with all that gossiping.
by fair_claire April 27, 2010
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While having anal sex from behind, you stuff your balls inside her clam.
I hope she doesn't queef during the clam bake.
by d12 June 29, 2005
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When some seafood smelling women go naked in a sauna it smells like a clam bake
by darth vemtor June 24, 2016
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When a woman queefs in bed, then pulls the blanket over her man's face.
female version of a Dutch oven. Guys, don't give your woman a Dutch Oven. She might give you a clam bake.
by Leatherneck65 October 8, 2012
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1. When a male takes a multiple females into a hot tub.

2. When a male attempts to hang out with a large group of females, particularly avoiding a group of males to do so. Also known as a shanghai artist.
1. "Matt invited a bunch of girls to a clam bake at his house on Friday".

2. "Brian did not want to go to poker-night so he could clam bake his friends' wives".
by TheInfinitySaga July 3, 2012
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See Dutch Oven and Queef. Similar to the Dutch oven however it can only be done by a woman. The woman queefs under the covers and pulls them over her bedmate's head to keep them trapped in the stink.
Did you see my youtube video of me doing a crazy Clam Bake my boyfriend? For some reason he is no longer returning my phone calls....
by Mr. Jinchao September 21, 2010
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The female version of being tea bagged. Usually happens when someone is napping on the couch or passed out on the floor at a party. It can only occur if only vagina or taint touches the head, it does not count if any booty is used. Can be done with or without pants. Can also be know as clam basting.
Jaims: Gary is passed out on the floor.

Blakely: Hold my pants. He's about to get clam baked.
by bigern80 March 18, 2013
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