An operation often done to boys at birth (or at least before puberty). Not necessary for health (as long as the guy is clean) or sexual pleasure, and no great aesthetic improvement. De rigeur among some communities, usually for religious reasons.

Probably something that a grown man should decide to have done to himself, as opposed to something that a little boy's parents decide to have done to him.
"What are your views on circumcision?"
"I have none...but I won't do it to any son of mine."
by Qit February 27, 2004
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Removal of the foreskin. Rumored to enhance sexual pleasure but proven false...if anything, it decreases sexual pleasure because the penis head becomes less sensitive(of the constant rubbing of your pants).
There's no point in a circumcision. If you do it because you think it's cleaner, then your a lazy ass who can't simply pull some skin back while showering.
by Bobby De Niro December 5, 2004
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The excision of a perfectly healthy and normal tissue of the penisand sometimes the frenulum,usually at birth. The foreskin protects the glansfrom abrasions and keeps natural secretions (smegma, which acts as a lubricant and antibacterial)protecting the glans. The foreskin glides over the glans during sex or masturbation and stimulates the glans, frenulum, sulcus and the foreskin itself. The Americans adopted the practice from the British because they thought it prevented masturbation, which was thought as the cause for epilepsyand mental insanity.The Greeks deemed circumcision wrong because they believed the exposure of the glans was offensive.
Neonatal Circumcision is illegal in Sweden.
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Circumcision, is so evil, it may have been better defined by Hitler. It is a verb or noun, if about an existing absence, it is either the or the act of causing a circumscar to form.
The devil killed the mangod and wrote bad deception in an otherwise meant well bible, of verses and versus, it is meant to cure itself when finally rewritten correctly. The arrested development regarding retarded since babies and in teaching them how to read, such as the commandment(s): Thou shall not kill/steal the foreskin.
Titus 1:12 perhaps 1:16 in the bible, explains lying in vain if to circumcision, and sais that all else attempted in such a society or world, is somehow off and incorrect given a pattern of such foolishness. Core rules adhere to, "judge not less ye".., take out of the bible that falsity.
Bush who harbors circumterror, thus was off the mark (of the beast) with his Iraq attack.
by Joven July 30, 2006
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A barbaric act of mutilation in which the skin hanging off the end of the penis (Foreskin) is removed for no good reason whatsoever. People can say it looks cleaner and it prevents smegma... well, it looks horrible. If you say that your penis looks better because it's been circumcised, then there was something seriously wrong with your foreskin. The only way I could see it from that point of view is if the foreskin was three inches long or something. The reason people do this is to prevent masturbation. Yeah, smart idea, dumbass. Mutilate me at the age of six before I even know what masturbation is... *Clap clap clap*. I wank off every day. Jackasses.
Husband: Hey, hun... feel like mutilating our son and making him hate us for the rest of his life?
Wife: You mean a circumcision?
Husband: Yep. Let's circumcise him before he has the right to choose, before he knows what masturbation is and before he knows better!
Wife: He isn't even born yet.
Husband: ...

As you can see, they made the decision without the boy. It was the same for me. Don't do the same to your son.
by The unknown guy October 11, 2007
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when you cut the skin off of a baby's penis for no good reason, when they're older they think they're better than guys who aren't circumcised, because they get less pleasure from their dick, and because they think they are cleaner.
circumcised guy: " ha ha, you're not circumcised, you have an ugly dick"

uncircumcised guy: "oh, i'm sorry i didn't get my dick chopped up when i was little because it's supposed to stop me from masturbating!"

circumcised guy: "oh shit man, u mean u get more pleasure than i will ever feel in my dried out little penis?!"

uncircumcised guy: "YEP!"
"look who's laughing now!"
by 65464982 May 31, 2005
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Circumcision is a form of barbaric sexual-sadism. removes most or all of the frenum and ridged band, and a fair amount of shaft skin and inner mucosal tissue. the remaining nerve endings of the penis are made even less sensitive through constant rubbing against clothing and keratinization of the now exposed glans and inner mucosal tissue. Lord knows how much agony a baby goes through during the procedure. For anyone who doubts how barbaric and bloody it is, the videos are on the net if you have the stomach for them. You'll never hear such bone-chilling wailing from a baby in your life.
Aside from circumcision, there's another term for the removal of healthy tissue from a newborn baby, and it's called child abuse.
by canadiana November 10, 2006
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