A black person that is gay
Black kid : Shut up tom,
Tom:Shut up you chocolate cover strawberry

Teacher: tom why did you called him that

Tom: because he is chocolate on the outside and fruity in the inside
by Lol illegal October 4, 2017
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Noun, used to describe a distended rectal cavity, where upon the unlucky subject has 'an accident' and shit themselves unmercifully. The result, sadly, is a bright red bulge that has poo all over it. Hence, chocolate-covered strawberry.
"Did you see that Chad took off on another holiday and left us in a lurch?"
"That chach. What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to make him eat a Chocolate covered Strawberry. Then we'll be Even Steven."
by GNox July 6, 2006
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When a man has vaginal intercourse with a woman on her period, then afterwards without cleaning his penis off, continues to have anal sex.
Dude, my girlfriend totally gave me a chocolate covered strawberry this morning.
by For the Glory of Rome September 29, 2007
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The act of dipping one’s testicles into shit and having another suck them clean.
That girl allowed me to do Chocolate Covered Strawberries with her, can still see the shit in her teeth.
by Chad Waxley March 31, 2021
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Usually it means a black/dark skin girl with a pink vajayjay 😇
Thomas : " dayumm wht color is it "
Mike : " probably roast beef "
Thomas : "nah its Def bubblegum pink "
Mike : " chocolate covered strawberry ? "
Thomas : "hell yah !! "
Tony : " yall some creeps . "
by Mari !!! April 22, 2023
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