Surprise reaction to someone with big chebs (big breasts).
by Lcb123 August 2, 2022
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Another name for male genitalia, usually referring to the head of the penis.
by Shauny Boi October 18, 2007
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A guy who drinks Monster like it’s God’s water and doesn’t listen to his step mum.
Declynn has chufty chebs. Mad. Tech. Are you having a giggle?
by GremLynn November 6, 2020
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A person that pretends someone has blackmailed him or her, usually in attempt to:

-Make an excuse for some indiscretion.
-Get people to feel sorry for them.
-Make the mentioned person look bad.
A: Hey, he said you blackmailed him into bringing that food.
B: He did what? He proposed to bring it himself.
A: He's a real cheb isn't he?
B: Seems like it..

A: He blackmailed me into doing that, I didn't want to!
B: We all read the email so we know you planned it, don't pull a cheb on us!
by Chinook78 December 25, 2013
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The term "CHEB" is derived from the more commonly known phrase douchebag. It is a simplified way of calling someone a douCHEBag to their face without them ever knowing that you have just called them a douchebag. It can also be used between friends who are familiar with the term CHEB in conversation.
Kevin is going to be there? He's such a CHEB though.

Kevin, stop being such a CHEB. We all know you're lying again.
by BigBallJam May 7, 2019
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