¡Dios mío!, me cagué.
by iowa dogg June 27, 2005
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Spanish verb (infitive form) which means: shitting

(the act of taking a crap, not shit as a remark)
Espera, necesito cagar antes de salimos.
(Wait, I need to shit before we leave.)
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espanol(vulgarisimo) inf. verb- 1)to shit 2)to take a poop on someone

see also mierda
Voy a cagar en tu pecho. (im going to shit on your chest)
by Senor Quigles February 26, 2006
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When a male (usualy drunk) accidentally slips his penis into a womans anus while having sex with her.
Whoah last night I met some chick at the club and went back to her place. I was fucking her doggy when I pulled a cagar on her!
by BigBoyBiggance October 15, 2007
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to bother someone frequently.
a words-figth wich someone wins for very much.
fuck off
Siempre andas cagandome el palo
Your always bohering me so much

Te metio un cagason de palo
He shut up you with what he told you about your mom

No me cagues el palo
Fuck off

Todos te van a cagar el palo por lo que hiciste
Everybody will bother you because of what yo did
by Dantee12 September 23, 2006
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