A slang term used to describe (a roll of) toliet paper.
Hey Martha! We're out of bungwipe again!
by Telephony November 28, 2011
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a cloth or fabric for the wiping of one's bung
Damnit, Beavis! Come back here with that candy! You owe me, bungwipe!
by The Mole September 30, 2004
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Very similar to an oxygen thief; a totally worthless PWPOSMF (pussywhipped piece of shit motherfucker).
The term bungwipe refers to toliet paper, so the waste of bungwipe is somebody that does not really need to exist; e.g., a pollutant in the gene pool.
Goddammit stop doing that you waste of bungwipe!!!

That mofo is such a waste of bungwipe that I want to force-feed him ten boxes of extra-strength Ex-Lax, water it down his esophagus with a couple of quarts of concentrated camel urine, and then sew his lips to his asshole.
by Telephony January 13, 2012
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