It's when you receive a clothes gift from a friend or family member, that just didn't realize that you were 10 times smaller the last time you saw them. (Normally from that distant friend or relative you see once a decade)
Aunt June sent me a Naval Breaker for Christmas, it's practically a sports bra!
by Missi Long October 25, 2006
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When a person ruins your relationship with someone. Ex:Friendship or when dating someone
Hey! Fabiola this is Shah, and Tell Yariana that Cameron is a circle breaker.
by Shah Abid December 13, 2017
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I big f*cking metal bar used to apply buttloads of torque onto stubborn/siezed nuts and bolts via a rachet socket. Saves your ass on many applications.
This bolt won't turn. Git the breaker bar.
by sagshryjr December 25, 2008
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A tool used to break up feces in a toilet bowl so that it will flush. Common since the advent of low-flow toilets.
I unscrewed the plunger handle and used it as a turd-breaker. I ate a whole pizza last night, so there was no way that chunk would flush on its own.
by annoyedcitizen September 13, 2008
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When a person crosses over or changes directions very quickly, getting another player so off balance that they fall over. (term used in basketball)
I'm bout to break your ankles.
by Dustin T May 28, 2005
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The term given to a person who is very hard to keep up a conversation with. Usually ending all possible conversations with a one-word dead end.
Person 1 - So i heard you went to some crazy party last night, tell me about it! Did anything interesting happen?

Person 2 - Nope....

Person 1 - You're such a Convo-Breaker you know that?
by Pearcinator June 21, 2009
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1. The action of Bo Jackson, breaking the bat over his knee after striking out.
2. A patricular baseball card depicting the above
When I struk out, I pulled a Bo Breaker,
by A.Warm November 25, 2006
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