A blackpacker is an impressionable black metal fan (see black emtal) who travels from abroad to Norway in order to hang out in places where famous black metal musicians hang out too only to be horrified to see that the black metal musisicans in question
a. do not actually still burn churches
b. don't only listen to black metal
c. don't carry any medaeval weapons
d. do not wear corpse paint when they go out for drinks
e. do not side into one tribe that worships Varg Vikernes and one that worships Euronymous
f. are not invariably blonde and blue-eyed but with black hair-dye
g. think Varg Vikernes is a sefl-sufficient wanker
h. are actually pretty normal people with normal jobs who do not go around killing goats for satan or worship at Odin's altar
i. are told to fuck off and get a life.

Blackpackers come from all over the world but are more often than not American, Canadian, Italian, French and German.

Blackpackers are a nuissance in Oslo and Bergen's bars, thankfully they are a dying breed as many of the places where black metallers go to (eg. So What, Helvete, M.A.R.S) do not exist any more (probably because of them).
That moron came back from Norway crying because he met Fenriz from Darthrone who was wearing brown leather trousers and DJing obscure Italian lounge music.

Tell that blackpacker to take his lame corpsepaint off, we can tell he's American from a mile away.
by Berthelsen January 25, 2008
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small backpack made out of nylon like material. Used by black people to carry school books. Also used by black people to hold extra pair of basketball shoes or basketball shorts. Usually with a nike symbol on the back of it.
Did you see Tyrones new blackpack?
by Pubes February 12, 2007
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Similar to a backpack, a nylon-mesh sack that Negroes use to store various illegal items, such as weapons and drugs.
Usually have And1 or Air Jordan logos on them.
Jamal: "Yo Tyrese, whatchu got in that blackpack my nigga?!"
Tyrese: "Just my Glock, some weed, some crack and my wife's dead body..."
Jamal: "That's tight, but yo black ass needs to get some And1 nigga!"
by RoflCopter117 August 17, 2008
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When a black guy hugs a girl from behind and walks with her still hugging her back.
Man that girl has a nice blackpack! Bet it has a bunch of drugs in it
by Captain jack mehoff September 27, 2022
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term given to athletic bags that are being used as a backpack. popularized by African - Americans. Combination of the words black and backpack.
Ay bruh, you seen Marcus's fresh new Nike blackpack he got from basketball?
by skittles11 December 13, 2009
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When a citizen of the African American race gives or receives anal sex, usually between two males, but can be practiced between straight couples.
Rajon: Hey Kobe do you want to blackpack with me tonight?
Kobe: No I already told Lebron I would blackpack with him tonight.
by qlubedup February 5, 2015
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