10 definitions by Captain jack mehoff

2 or more illegal aliens working as a team to cross the border.
"Ok, Jose. The plans are set, and tonight, we together will be helping dora over."
by Captain jack mehoff June 13, 2012
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When a black guy hugs a girl from behind and walks with her still hugging her back.
Man that girl has a nice blackpack! Bet it has a bunch of drugs in it
by Captain jack mehoff September 27, 2022
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A social-media disorder in which none of the person's tweets are interesting, so they constantly retweeting annoying/irrelevant/unfunny things, unknowingly ruining all of their follower's timelines.
Person 1: Darnit, I am unfollowing Jessica, she retweets way to much!
Person 2: Sounds like she has a bad case of Retweetonitis.
by Captain jack mehoff September 7, 2014
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A game in which a group of males sit in a circle and masturbate furiously onto a cookie in the middle. The premise is that whoever ejaculates last onto the cookie or doesn't finish at all has to eat the seminal fluid covered cookie by the previous contestants. Named "Frost the Cookie" because of the white color of semen on the cookie.
I cannot wait to play "Frost the Cookie" at the frat party today!
by Captain jack mehoff February 4, 2014
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Unicorn with 5 horns. Coined by famous young comedian Bo Burnham in the opening of his Comedy special "What." before he mercilessly shoots it to death with an invisible pistol. Great special.
The Pintocorn then said, "Hi Bo."

Pintocorns are the ultimate Unicorn.
by Captain jack mehoff January 3, 2014
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The act of flushing a toilet after you used it, and then unknowingly flushing it again while it is still flushing, resulting in a failed flush attempt and a hollow flush sound. However, if for waiting 9 seconds, the crap is still in there, Double kill it.
All the other men stared awkwardly at Bob when he went for a double kill in the urinal. Why would he double kill? He wasn't crapping. It was completely unnecessary.
by Captain jack mehoff June 13, 2012
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Applying to High School, Homecoming Horny is the event when girls who have not been asked to homecoming yet (no boyfriend, ugly, ect) start becoming increasingly slutty to anyone and everyone around them in an attempt to get someone to ask them to homecoming.
Guy 1: Has anyone else been getting tons of nudes from Sarah?
Guy 2: Yeah, we all have, she is seriously Homecoming Horny right now.
by Captain jack mehoff September 25, 2014
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