Hey, you gonna pass that bift or get married to it?
by Prometheus July 29, 2003
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verb; shaft, burn (slang), prove wrong
When he was so sure he was right, he got bifted when I proved him wrong.
by John Webster November 9, 2002
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a word used instead of things like gutted, merked etc...
by Razer349 December 21, 2009
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To have sex, to describe sex, to call someone sexy.
"Shes going to get a bifting!"
"Shes a bit of a bift!"

When having a lot of sex with multiple women...
"I'm shifting the bift"

When going to the gym to become more sexy...
"I'm lifting for a bifting"
by ManOfGondor February 21, 2015
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Messed up; jacked up; skidded

Commonly used as "bifted up" or "bifted on". Present tense is "bift"
Person: *rips paper* "dang I bifted up my paper"

Person: *falls on face*
Me: "did you see that? He just bifted on his face."

Me: "Don't bift up the project"
by saywhatt September 19, 2013
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Under the influence of marijuana particularly or, more generally, other recreational drugs.
'Does your dealer do good gear?'
'Fuck yeah! After, like, a couple of tokes you're totally bifted'
by Bill December 4, 2003
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Snowboarding Term:
Wipe Out; Fall; Loose control
"You totally Bifted on that last jump"
by BeastieBoy712 May 6, 2003
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