People who will ultimately get a chance to get back at the stupid jocks who hate them by firing them 15 years later.
Bandgeek Sandra: You're fired, Andrew! (says to self) Who gets the last laugh now, jerk?
by cmills March 28, 2005
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an honerable person that plays a wonderful wind or percussion instrument in the school band. bandgeeks are smart, honest, loyal, cool, and not given the respect they deserve. bandgeeks should be at the top of the school... way before jocks and cheerleaders. bandgeeks are kind and strong. they are the best.
"Bandgeeks sure know how to have fun"

"I'm a bandgeek 'cause I love you"
by Mikayle July 22, 2004
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Somebody who is in marching band, is almost always overly obsessed. They will go on and on about the competition they have this weekend, or how practice was the other day. Band is their life.
Guy 1: Hey, do you think Amber will want to go to the movies with me?
Guy 2: Shit man, she's a bandgeek, probably has a fucking competition or something.
by Bandgeek Bitch March 13, 2016
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An enormous dork who spends 95% of his or her time in the band room, cleaning the spittle from such instruments as the tuba or the sousaphone, and actually taking pride in performing in holiday concerts the entire school is forced to attend. Bandgeeks can also be found pestering their conductors to play the Star Wars theme for the next big concert, or sitting at their own lunch table because nobody else will have them. And by the way? Bandgeeks are usually never as hot as Alyson Hannigan in the American Pie movies. They're about on the same attractiveness level as WoW players.
"God, there goes that bandgeek Emily again. Don't let her see us or she'll beg to tag along on the field trip!"
by Betty_Cooper November 10, 2005
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People,usually overweight, who think that they're the coolest cuz they play instruments. They may also make claims such as "I'm getting tons of exercise every day, u should be jealous", and "I actually talked to a girl at band camp". They are the lowest in society.
That bandgeek said he had a girlfriend at bandcamp, but we all know he was just jacking off to her picture.
by Dawgy April 11, 2006
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