Slang term for the Wall Street Journal
Although the ball street urinal occasionaly has a human interest sports story, it will not become a complete newspaper until it gets a daily sports section.
by andy1 September 24, 2006
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1. Getting laid in the era of the occupy movement where virtually everything is getting occupied including genitals.
2. Having sexual intercourse with a girl for a longer than average period of time.
3. A girl stubbornly follows her objective to make love to you this night... and succeeds.
1. Girls, after having my fith Mojito I am proudly announcing you that I will occupy ball street of the first handsome guy that runs into me tonight.
2. Bro, she occupied my ball street all night long. Felt like she was camping on my balls. Thanks to her I can hardly walk now.
3. I am feeling kinda used. There was this girl at the party and she totally occupied my ball street. She totally held the reins.
by LansHanda November 8, 2011
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playing basketball outdoors on a blacktop. numerous basketball rules do not apply, no blood no foul.
by Anonymous August 28, 2003
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A game of basketball played where players call their own fouls.Usually played on a street court or park.
I'm going to Rucker Park to play some street ball.
by OLI August 27, 2003
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A sport involving a basketball, a basketball court and a basketball net although the rules of basketball are thrown out. The idea of the game is to show the punk ass bitch gaurding you who's better. If having to bounce the ball of the back of his head will achieve this goal then go for it.
by Casanova M-baby February 29, 2004
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its basketball played by real champions who are not doing it for the money and don't cry on every foul.
pussys are not allowed to play streetball.
by SYK October 26, 2003
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basketball played in the ghettos, often a rougher version of pro basketball with imperfect courts and a lot of intimidation
by Anonymous August 27, 2003
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