A really cool brightly painted and gnarly looking mega turbocharged (and optimized)vehicle with all sorts of bells and whistles, cute buttons, icons on the dashboard, and a talking interface like the Knight Rider car used exclusively for riding on the information highway.

It has a top speed of 5 MPH and has shiny plastic training wheels.

New and improved training wheels arrive in the mail about every two weeks.
I can't get out of the yard because my AOL training wheels break off when they hit the pavement.
by wattsup January 4, 2005
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1.piece of crap
2.something that doesn't work
AOL is crap
by Bob Bobberson November 28, 2003
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The Internet Mafia. First they boss you around and threaten to kick you off and terminate your online account with their TOS "system". Ironically, once you try to leave the service, they keep asking you question after question and other lame forms of excuses and false hopes and promises in a weak effort to make you stay with them. I have also learned, as well as my family, that when you leave the AOL internet service they secretly sabotage your computer and make sure that it is infested with spyware, just as retaliation in losing yet another one out of 40 million customers.
AOL=The Internet Mafia
AOL Head Leader: Hey, I heard the Joneses are leaving are service! Can you believe that they would actually want freedom from our terrible online oppression?
AOL Mafia Henchman #1: Those bastards, how dare they get out of our slow-running internet service with incompetent tech support! LET'S WHACK 'EM!
AOL Mafia Henchman #2: I'll upload the viruses and prepare the spyware files!
by Midwestrn Soldier October 25, 2004
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The lamest ISP ever created, crashes all the time, and has the most annoying representive mascot thing, "Connie"

Yeah, damn right its a CONnie, also tend to send you discs every other week, which can be easily snapped and made into a mass murdering knife thing, therefore provoking violence.
Mum did not create AOL
by Cloud July 20, 2004
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AOL: So easy to hack. No wonder it's number 1!
Dear Member, America Online has been notified of a Terms of Service (TOS) violation ::edit:: blah blah blah ::edit:: On 05/04/05 02:24:34 IXI ***** IXI screen name violated the TOS in the ******* chat room. The following is an excerpt from the chat room discussion: IXI ***** IXI: I FUCKING HATE AOL!
by Jobeth May 25, 2005
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Stands for American Online, the crappiest internet service ever created in the history of the world. Supposedly corupts your hard-drive so you can using nothing BUT AOL
Mom look! its aol! 8mom pulls out .44 Magnum, shoots disc out of boys hand*
Mom in clint eastwood voice-so aol...is it five or six bullets? feeling lucky...punk?
by Mustache Man March 2, 2005
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Also: AOHell.

The worst mainstream Internet Service Provider (ISP) there is.
Anybody that uses AOL is a Internet noob.
by C. Clarus April 25, 2004
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