A very serious disease, which isn't always self inflicted. When a person, has a fear of becoming fat, so they don't eat. It is normally a female, because women are praised if they look good, and men are looked up upon if they have a high status or good job. They have a need to control something in their life, so they completely control their weight(thats what a Psychologist said). It can also be because of: fear of food, fear of becoming fat, or after a trauma in their life. They normally like cooking too.

Sigmund Freud also said its because they subconsciously want to look like a penis, but many people dissagree with his studies.
The Difference between Dieting and Anorexia is that:

The people who diet, are losing weight to look more atractive etc.

Anorexics are losing weight because they are afraid of becoming fat.
by Na January 24, 2004
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A serious eating disroder that cause women and men to see themselves as bigger then they are. they go to many extremes to lose weight and starve themselves so they can fit in with what society says is "beautiful" It can lead to malnutrition,hair loss,stunted growth,bone loss,anemia,low immune system,ulcers,rupturing of your stomach or intestines from lack of food and over exercising,and death.
not only do people who struggle with this disroder have to carry it with them,they have to deal with it everyday.Thoughts,fears,triggers, its a deadly disease that has one of the highest mental and death rate.
I struggled with anorexia for about 1 1/2 years, I dropped down to 70 pounds from 125 which was a good weight for me being 5"6.5 and at the time i was 15 turning 16 I am now 17 and back up to 125 pounds and eating normally,but I still have triggers. not everyone with this disorder can push away the thoughts and fears of becoming huge or eating whats healthy or how much they need to exercise it will always be with them in their minds.We all need to make change of this society and stop these disorders
by IsurvivedThis August 3, 2011
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Anorexia Nervose is a horrible and deadly disease, that has effects on different races, ages, genders, and so on. It usually is caused by peer pressure, or the belief that in ordered to be loved, or worthy, or accepted is to be perfect and skinny. Anorexia is not something to take lightly, and is soemthing in need of serious treatment.
Anorexia developed slowly within Jane after she was fed up with peer pressure from her mother about the need ot be perfect.
by Lea... June 27, 2007
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anorexia is not when you puke after you eat, that's bulimia. anorexia is an eating disorder where the person starves themselves for what ever reason. it's usually to lose weight at first but then it gets out of control to the point where they want to eat but they won't let themselves. sometimes people starve to have self control.
anorexia sucks
by qwerty December 30, 2004
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Proof that the human body is not meant to imitate a plastic plaything from Mattel...or for you cynics, the disorder in which the afflicted refuses to eat in an attempt to get thin.
I heard that one of my former classmates is suffering from anorexia...she wants to be a size 0 so she can model for Deb....
by RatchetBoo June 19, 2003
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Fuck. Cant you dumbasses read a fucking dictionary?
adj. 1. -> anorexic (def. 1).
2. also, anorexic. colloquial extremely thin, as if suffering from anorexia nervosa.
n. 3. -> anorexic (def. 3).

n. lack of appetite. also anorexy.

anorexia nervosa
n. a mental disorder, most common in adolescent girls, causing an aversion to food, which may lead to serious malnutrition.

adj. 1. also, anorectic. suffering from anorexia nervosa.
2. colloquial -> anorectic (def. 2).
n. 3. also, anorectic. someone suffering from anorexia nervosa.

there is a difference you know?
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the disorder i have...it starts as a way to get control but it ends up as alot more. Alot of boys in my school mock anorexics and bulimacs, but its not funny. Both are mental disorders that can result in death. Since i am anorexic, i weigh 87 lbs even though im 5 ft 7...i eat 400 calories a day and when i look in the mirror i see a fat person....I AM OBSESSED I MIGHT DIE
its not fun
im anorexic and its super-duper (jk)
by sordidus June 8, 2005
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