Stupid German Fuck who gets on you god dammed nerves.
What a fuckin Hasselhoff!
by Tanya October 31, 2004
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Golf slang.

Refered to when someone hits their ball into a bunker.
That ball is hasselhoffed in the right bunker.
by Gbiz February 28, 2005
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/HA sel hof/ verb, intransitive

to slip and fall down badly while shaving or (more broadly) in the bathroom

Origin: the term comes from a surname of a celebrity whose unfortunate accident resulted in many comments on the internet. It is not clear, however, where and who used it first.
Just don't hasselhoff!
God, what happened to you? I hasselhoffed.
by Pawel R July 12, 2006
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The reason why Jekyll and Hyde is no longer on Broadway. Opposite of awesome
search it on youtube, try hasselhoff/jekyll and hyde something is bound to turn up.
by idonothaveaname March 25, 2008
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Being gangbanged by a party of lifeguards on an otherwise pleasant beach in California. Gender has no relevance within this situation. All butt-holes are raped equally.
The beach has never been the same thanks to the unholy hasselhoff. I now have a fear of drowning in the ocean.
by Pete Lindenfelser September 22, 2008
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