1. A person who lacks originality and just goes with the flow of society.

2. A person who has no mind of his/her owned and is controlled like a robot by the music they listen to or the people around this, henceforth making them the walking dead.

3. Usually dredheads, n00bs, emo kids, gang members, frat kids or any other group of kids who lose their personality or self-image to fit into a sub-culture.
(Various phases of the Zombie Virus that plagues the Southeastern region of the United States) :

*looped chantings (ay ayyy ayyyyy)
*slurred speech (whu hannen shawty/cuh?)
*doing disturbing snapping/dancing/walking rituals often done in large groups or circles (doing the lean wit it rock wit it)
*the "all of a sudden" urge to be a rapper
*spooky (easily made music, using fruity loops) looped music with hi-hats and tons of snapping
*walking in a zombie-like way
*often wearing jewelry in the mouth
*twisting of the dreaded/un-dreaded hair
*obsessions with shooting in the air for no reason
*loss of proper grammar
*lack of reasoning
*high usage of abbreviations (TCB, GYP, GLK, WMG)
*high usage of marijuana
*often making branched cults called, Clicks/Cliques/Mobbs
*lack of self control

This zombie sickness is highly contagious is there is lack of originality
Being yourself

- The Krisis
by D. Phyna October 8, 2007
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A zombie is a braindead social parasite who feed off tax dollars that magically appear from "Obama's stash".
They still vote Democrat even after they die and are not taken off the voter rolls.
by Phantom F4 April 28, 2011
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The humble zombie
The reason you died on your first ever Minecraft survival world
Person: I’m going okay Minecraft for the first time!

2 minutes later...

Person: *gets killed by zombie* SHIT
by Oblong Cheeto March 13, 2021
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Employee with little or no enthusiasm or drive. Thus spending most of their time with hands in pockets and walking unbelievably slowly. A Lazy.
Haven't you finished that yet? You're such a Zombie.
by mangakanga June 18, 2009
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A synonym for the number 9. This is because of the old joke why was 6 afraid of 7....because 7 8 9. 7 ate nine and 9 then proceded to turn into the undead, hence the name zombie.
School starts an hour before zombie.
The time is currently zombie o'zombie.
I have zombie fingers because my thumb was bitten off my a muskrat.
by Andyt Osborn March 5, 2005
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A sex term. To tear a pussy apart leaving at "Zombie like". A common misconception is that the pussy rises from the dead and attacks the male, however that is not true because the male's mouth is ready for any challenge the pussy throws at it.
Friends: What were you doin last night bro
Me: I Zombie-d the shit outta that girls pussy dawg
by splashwaterwet March 3, 2017
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