The vagina belonging to an ex-girlfriend, esp. during a booty call.
Where's Anthony tonight?

He went out on a booty call with Sheila, that chick he dumped last month, again.

Man, that guy plays so much X-Box it isn't funny.
by Xboxking April 19, 2010
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"I was thinking about toying around with my x-box, but I decided to find someone new."
by Seth2367 March 16, 2010
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Games console that owns the PS2 in several areas. Firstly it has a built in hard-drive, so you don't have to pay £20 for memory cards. Secondly, it has four built in controller ports, so no need to buy a multi-tap.

Xbox Live is the best online gaming service available, with friends lists, game invites, and so much more, it pwns the Sony version.

The Xbox spec is also far far superior to the PS2 spec.

Exclusive games.... for the xbox? PGR2, Ninja Gaiden, Deus Ex - Invisible war...
'Hey man, wanna play on my supercool PS2?'

'Not when i could be playing on my Xbox, with exclusive games such as PGR2 which is fantastic, and the upcoming Halo2 and Forza Motorsports which the PS2 won't see....'
by Ray Bidfan November 3, 2004
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A gaming console with tiresome games (ie Project Gotham Racing).
"John would rather play with his X-box than to listen to this lecture."
by pro-nun-see-A-shun January 1, 2003
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box of the female kind that used to belong to you but is now no longer yours i.e. you broke up. Another word for an ex girlfriend.
I went out wiv Shazza fa six munths now shes me x box
by shane aisbett June 25, 2004
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a piece of shit game console, that is way to fucking big, has no decent games, and the controllers suck!
by i hate shit box'es September 7, 2003
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