Proper, upright, and exemplifying dignity and class - especially when engaged in combat operations, or proposing for marriage. To man up, stand tall, and fight the good fight against overwhelming odds. John Wayne's older brother.
"It's times like this that each of us just needs to dig deep and find our inner Willoughby. Be proud, dammit, be a man!"
by DiamondDave2015 July 9, 2015
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When a man gives another man a hickey on the underside of his bean-bag. When a teabagee tries to pull the teabagger's nut through the scrot using only his lips, tongue and gums.
He walked with a limp for nearly a week after Murphy gave him that nasty willoughby.
by Matt80 February 12, 2007
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A wonderful girl that always can make you smile. She is smart, beautiful, and sensitive. She is shy at first but once you get to know her you will never forget het. She has a way of finding a way into your hart. If you ever meet a Willoughby you should never let her go.
Willoughby: someone who will always be there for you.
by Steve90 January 28, 2013
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A little city, perfect for raising families. To the east of Cleveland, young families move here to grow up. What the parents don't realize is that all they are doing, in trying to give their kids a nice youth, is making sure they are as limited creatively as possible.
In an effort to save her last few years of youth, Katie moved away to New York City from Willoughby, the hellhole that kept her stuck.
by startwearingPurple November 21, 2006
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The act of placing ones babies inside of a large black women resulting in the creation of athletes that will one day become fat and need to be beaten back into shape.
After motorboating the girl who was twice his size, Ryan proceeded to willoughby her.
by The Real JC Tay July 23, 2012
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"he made a right Willoughby of himself"
by Stevewilloughby September 19, 2008
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A suburb in Sydneys North Shore, known for its notorious youths and generally upper class citizens. Is considered a city within a city thus showing that it is better then all surrounding slums such as Lane Cove, Chatswood and Artarmon. It is also the home of the King of Sydney.
Lane cove, Artarmon and Chatswood are the assholes of the North Shore were Willoughby is the place to be.
by Wikipedia-Sydney December 18, 2010
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