"White" as referring to the stereotypical characteristics of individuals belonging to the Caucasian ethnic group or white race.

The term "White" is predominately used by ethnic minority groups to negatively describe others who are perceived to have characteristics of the White dominate group.

"White" can be used as a synonym for uncool.
If a person can not dance, sing, is uncoordinated, overly concerned with academics etc.

You are so white.
by snakeeyes2007 April 11, 2009
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Believe it or not, white, gray and black are the same "color". They share a common property: They reflect or transmit all the wavelengths of visible light equally or at least with the same response as your eyes.
My skin looks white to me, but its really gray and black as well!
by JLM September 3, 2005
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1) The color of milk; colorless color; the opposite of black.
2) A race of people of bright skin.
3) The part of the eyes surrounding the iris and the pupil; the sclera.
4) The part of an egg that is white when cooked, surrounding the yolk; the albumen.
1) Paper is usually white.
2) I'm white.
3) If the white of your eye is white, you're healthy
4) I love eating the white of eggs.
by The local Argentinian guy October 7, 2021
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adj - stemming from the culture of the dominant class of North America
Obama wouldn't be president if he didn't know how to talk white.
by bqm June 2, 2009
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Females with extreme levels of annoying, quirky, and attention-desiring behavior. Generally, people who are considered white are not actually caucasian. They can be recognized by mood swings, high starbucks consumption, and very low ass ratings.

These people generally have names such as Lyndsey, Katy, and Michelle.
"Dude that girl Michelle is so white,"

"Yeah, her ass is like a 3 out of 10 too."
by VaginaBob June 17, 2014
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Vodka, or any clear alcoholic beverage.
Ay mayne, what you want to drink tonight? I got some white or Bud Light?
by mixededone February 5, 2010
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