the ultimate sigma male that everyone is scared of, he is currently at the top of the hierarchy and i'm guessing it shall stay like that for a while. the has an obsession with luca xio ling low and loves him to bits.
by curved5858 January 1, 2023
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A large oblong television, or one with an infatuation with pk.
Man, get that Corky Wharton outta my way, its blocking the television.
by Webster December 29, 2004
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One who has an infatuation with pk, or an oblong chair.
Move that Corky Wharton, it's in the way of the television.
He is a Corky Wharton.
by Webster December 29, 2004
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Max Wharton, also known as the “fuckrat” or even the “throatfuck”, is a non gender identifying being who pretends to go crazy when you call his name. Another prep fag who talks shit but would die in a fight with any Gonzaga kid. While deceivingly charming at first, it’s only a matter of minutes before he attack’s. Basically a huge faggot who tries with every girl and fails
Rudrey Ayes-“where am i? Why are the walls black”
Fuckrat-“welcome to my cave bitch
Rudrey Ayes-“why are you playing lil uzi in the background max Wharton ??”
by Zagarunthadmv December 31, 2018
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The act of being force fed sausage and alcohol while playing board games
I feel awful, I was thoroughly Boyd’d and Whartoned last night…
by HugoIrish January 10, 2022
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A hot short feeble skinny man who has a thing for girls and always gets rejected.
He eats chocolate logs and is a stick.
Girl 1: Have you seen a Joel Wharton over there?
Girl 2: I Know. I rejected him
by IMAPIECEOFPOO November 18, 2019
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