v. To make use of a DigiTech Whammy Pedal
*according to the Whammy IV users' manual
I get all hot and bothered every time I hear Tom Morello start whammin',

You should have seen their set last night! He was whammin' with the best of them!
by Whamster August 11, 2008
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Another word for bitch also to annoy anyone called robert
Look at all those whammin
by Bleach 8===D December 10, 2017
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Something totally awesome. Comes from parodying the band WHAM!
Man, that shit was whammin.
by Danjamin November 4, 2005
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Vigorous female masturbation. Getting it. Scrambling the meat wallet.
"She doesn't need a vibrator she needs to wham that jammer."

"Nothing says lonely Friday nights like a pint of Haagen Dasz and whammin the jammer to Twilight"
by The Bunz Clapper July 25, 2020
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