She is a perfect girl and she is pretty in the inside and outside. You would be lucky to have her as a girlfriend. She is a very shy girl but when you talk to her she is a very hyped girl. She is also a NASA addict and she is basically an angel. She looks innocent but she is not
Omg Wadaah is so kind and hot... how perfect
by Ade lahhh ;) September 17, 2019
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She is annoying though she thinks she's superior. She is loud and egoistic, with a dash of jealousy towards everything. If you ever come across a 'wadaah', RUN. She might backstab, and will definitely gaslight you. She yearns for a boyfriend, but she's just too toxic :( She's homophobic, so she would never consider getting a girlfriend instead. Wadaah is the gang leader of a wolf pack with for everyone with similar attitudes ;p
Wadaah from MAA is just too cringy ;D
by Floccinaucinihilipilification_ November 2, 2021
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