(Guy 1): Hey, you heard about game? I heard it was awesome!
(Guy 2): Rest in piss that game.
(Guy 1): Why?
(Guy 2): One word: Tumblr.
by Antivirus1 October 29, 2017
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Do you have no self confidence and watch anime?
Well, Tumblr is for you.
I am not held responsible for the deterioration of your social life.
Hey, I saw your post on Tumblr! USxUK is my otp!!!!
by apocalypseArisen December 6, 2012
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Hipster society of hatred and self- admiration. Totally ironic. They hate facebook even though every single one of them has one. Like to post pictures of cats, themselves, and obscure bands. Youre not supposed to speak of tumblr, but its a public diary. Its as ironic as the fake handlebar mustaches they sport.
Tumblr is a hipsters bitch.
by Juicalicious January 21, 2011
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A blog site...The end of your social life.
*Friday Night*
Person 1: Hey, you wanna do something tonight?
Person 2:Nahhh, I gotta update my Tumblr.
by mexxxxxxxxxxx May 23, 2011
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A place where everyone loves you. You know, unless you're religious, don't like cats or triangles or Nutella. You MUST be obsessed with Lady Gaga and Adele and every hipster shit band ever. Also, you have to love Doctor Who and Harry Potter and HATE and REJECT anyone who like Twilight or Kristen Stewart. Bacon is life there even though it's gross. People there all hate everyone on their Facebooks, but refuse to delete them. Oh yeah, if you talk about Tumblr outside of tumblr, you're a MUGGLE and will be unfollowed. The best part? People there say that if you don't like what is posted on their blogs to unfollow them. Then they bitch and moan that they're losing followers. Tumblr is an evil place ran by hipster douche bags who are accepting to only a handful of people who follow their "Rules of Tumblr"
Tumblr User: Ughh forever alone guisseee! Facebook sucks! lawlz! Sex. Drugs. Fashion. LOL NUTELLA AND CATS ARE MY ONLY FRIENDS!!! LAWLZ
by Riley7Dawson November 5, 2011
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Tumblr is a magical place. It's a place you can go to whenever you are feeling sad or lonely or simply unable to cope with real life. It's a place for dreamers and believers and overly obsessive people to unite and talk and vent and rant and best of all, it's a place where you can just be yourself and not be judged. The only downside to tumblr, it's terribly addictive.
Dear Lord,

I wish I could fly away to Neverland with Peter Pan. That place is so magical.

Sincerely, a dreamer.

Dear Dreamer,

Get a tumblr. It's more magical than you'd expect.

Sincerely, The Lord.
by Rainingfairies April 7, 2011
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A place you should never go ever. The only people that go on Tumblr are retards who overuse the shit out of memes that were once good. Just when you thought they couldn't get any more annoying, they are also hardcore grammar nazis. It is truly the worst website on the internet. It does not help to know that they also attempt to raid Omegle ever so often and ultimately fail at it because that's how much they suck. They also enjoy taking credit for memes that they didn't even make.
Not a retard tumblr user: You know that those memes are all overused beyond belief because of you, right?

Not a retard tumblr user: What a dumb hipster bitch.
by Zinchy1337 August 30, 2011
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