When something is so wrong you can't describe how wrong it is.
Man: dies
Man 2: This is not OKIE DOKIE
by pejafme November 28, 2020
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1. Used to express approval or agreement.

2. A response some bosses or executives expect after a question of status or quality of work
1st Person: I want you to clear out your desk.

2nd Person: Okie Dokie


1st Person: I need you to keep a record on those orders, and make sure to include the weekly gross.

2nd Person: I will make sure to do that, sir.

1st Person: You got that? keep up with those orders and don't forget the weekly gross amounts, Okie Dokie?

2nd Person: Okie Dokie.

1st Person: Okie Dokie, I'll see you next week.
by MrRadicalEd March 10, 2004
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"Okay" in a carefree, upbeat and lighthearted demeanor.
(Two friends making plans via text..)

Jessica: "Hey, wanna go see that movie that just came out? I hear it's really good!"

Sarah: "Definitely! Sounds fun!"

Jessica: "Great! I'll pick you up at 6pm."

Sarah: "Okie Dokie!"
by Patientsmart January 27, 2022
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Overwhelming pitch used by nasty Red Sox set-up man Hideki Okajima. The pitch is a changeup with screwball motion. It was developed when pitching coach John Farrell tweaked Oke's delivery during a rain out on April 15, 2007.
"Hideki Okajima was supposed to be here only to be a companion to Dice-K, but damn when he serves up that Okie-Dokie it's lights out for the poor soul at the dish".

"A-Rod will never be able to hit that Okie-Dokie, damn those Yankees suck."
by A-Train14 June 2, 2007
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