The final chapter in the Matrix Trilogy, the Matrix Revolutions ends the war between humans and the machines.

Despite what the critics say, this is a kickass movie with an incredible fignt at the end between Neo and Agent Smith.
"Neo kicked some serious ass win The Matrix Revolutions.
by adonkeyisaass November 6, 2003
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Better than Reloaded,but everything is too repetative, once you've seen one big ball of matter explode you've seen them all. It's not the worst in the triology but it's still a disappointment.
If you gave a child a crayon, told him about the matrix I'm sure he'd have thought of something better than this shit, lets go watch LOTR.
by DC February 5, 2004
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The third and final (so we hope) movie in the Matrix trilogy. On an entertainment level, it's fine, if you're expecting something up to par of the first one you will be sorely dissapionted.
I'm trying to forget I ever saw the Matrix Revolutions.
by a name! December 3, 2003
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