Clancy. Used to define a writer or media worker who credits their names to video games that they helped in no way to contribute.
Note the author or writer in question may have proposed a basic plot to the story, but still made no contribution to the programming

See Sell out
Stephen King just Tom Clancied his latest novel


Stop saying I Clancied! I honestly contributed more!
by beaver licker August 23, 2009
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Blonde hair blue eyes kid that usually flirts with Garin M and Jakob S. Talks shit but is almost always the one that dies first in a game.

really good at siege but gets cocky and dies.

Very sus

Sucks at math
Love you Clancy B
by CloakerClobber March 30, 2022
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When a girl sits on your face and you roll your tongue around her booty hole in a clock wise motion.
by Peremy Jope March 11, 2022
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Tom Clancy is definitely the hottest man alive. He is known for making fucking sick sick sick video games aka Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos theory, which is a game that literally makes me shit my pants every time I play it. If you carefully analyze his video games you realize he lives vicariously through his main character Sam Fischer, who is so damn sexy they even made him his own Lego figure. Well anyways back to the subject, Tom Clancy makes Sam Fischer so good looking and suave because he himself never gets laid, and my friend if you were Sam Fischer you would get so much ass you would suffocate and die.
Tom Clancy is so hot even Ryan's mom would give him all her pussy.
by Kevin Ball April 5, 2005
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A pussy who likes little boys, but pretends to be against sexual assault at the university of tulsa
Yesterday President Clancy touched my peepee and then expelled me for not going to his bystander intervention training.
by The dghaljkdhsg October 25, 2018
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