A man that only knows tan for color. He wears tan clothes, he is heavier than the most tan Tiger tank, he makes a feast out of his enemies fear.
DAmm, AquaFps Is such A Tan man.
by KreamCola February 23, 2021
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Usually the nickname douchebag cucks named Tanner would give themselves. This is the guy that at a party would say “Bro, I’d rather be at home playing CoD.”
Yeah my names Tanner, but you can call me Tan Man. Where’s the Call of Duty at?
by BeHeMothBoii February 3, 2018
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An alcoholic, beat up, bum, with an unnatural year long tan that meanders about the suburbans of small seaside towns, occasionally stealing roast beefs from local supermarkets.
You hear about tan man gettin caught again for stealin that sterloin from safeway?
by MRAH August 6, 2006
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A sexual act in which a female shits on the floor. Three men then cum on the shit. The shit-cum is then placed in a blender and blended with ice and the female's pee. After this the female butt-chugs the shit-pee-cum smoothie. Then the men all cum in her butt. Lastly, the woman shits all this out on the three men's chests.
"Dude, that was a total Tan-man fest last night!"
by Tan-man August 4, 2007
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1. Concept of the ultimate product of miscegenation or race-mixing, the point when multi-ethnic oreo becomes mono-ethnic mongrel race, may more broadly be applied to the idea of a dystopian future where the "melting pot" has totally "melted" and every human being is ethnically identical, and individual cultures have disappeared in favor of a super politically-correct/tolerance-obsessed global one.
1. Dude, do you see that pregnant Filipino lady holding hands with Lenny Kravitz? Yeah hopefully she miscarries and they won't release the Tan Man upon the world! 2. I saw Barack Obama on TV and he is the closest thing I have ever seen to the Tan Man. 3. Black people, defend yourselves from the advances of the Tan Man! 4. White people, defend yourselves from the advances of the Tan Man! 5. Arabs, defend yourselves from...you get the idea.
by S. J. W. H. January 29, 2007
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club est. 2021. started by the three coolest girls of all time and their experience with love at first sight. the big beefy tan man fan club is the elitist social club in the whole wide world.
Oh my god... maybe this'll get me into the big beefy tan man fan club
by member1 October 6, 2021
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Middle aged white males, usually overweight, wear tan pants, plastic-rimmed "aviator" style eyeglasses, computer/electronics nerds. Personal hygiene optional. Button-down shirts, always tucked in. Go for Asian women, any "exotic" type will do, as long as he can be dominant. Mommy Issues. Heavily into cultural appropriation. Can find them in Asian martial arts, drum circles, Asian healing arts, or pushing the cart for their Asian wives in the grocery store. Usually insists on having at least 1 son.
"I knew he'd like Le's sister; he's a tan pants man."
by SOG3 January 7, 2021
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