
Humanity's greatest legacy, and the most popular cartoon from 1987 to around 1994, which was the time the Power Rangers came into existence and, apparently, pwned TMNT. TMNT then concluded its cartoon series in 1996 with the final episode "Divide and Conquer". Then, in 1997, Bandai purchased some of the rights to the TMNT series, and merged it with its Power Rangers series in terms of using the Turtles in live-action episodes, 26 in this series. There was even an episode where they were working with the Power Rangers.
Now, as of February 8, 2003, there is a new TMNT series.

TMNT is actually based on a comic series developed by Mirage Studios, but TMNT is greatly known for the cartoon developed by Murakami Wolf. The cartoon eventually became a mighty franchise that sold products of countless kinds, espcially action-figures. There were even three movies made in the early 90's by New Line Cinema (fourth one planned but eventually terminated.....but now pending, and planned to be CG). Videogames were not excluded; Konami developed them for the NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis, and most especially the arcades. Konami has the rights to the current series as well.

Overall, people my age recall this glorious series in their own opinions. My opinion? Well, I think this is the most bad-ass series ever created. The new series is alright, but the old series will always be the best. The old series was loved by ALL, and will always be.

TMNT should be a reminder to people my age : "Don't forget your roots!"
"I didn't know TMNT and Power Rangers were competing with one-another. I didn't look into such when I was around 9 to 11...well, now that I do, it's quite upsetting."
by Dave January 11, 2005
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The best story ever: four mutant turtles raised for 10+ years by a mutant rat who apparently knows ninjutsu. ME LUV THIS <3 over 27 years old....
Guy 1: Hey have u seen the new Michael Bay movie?

Guy 2: No, what's it called?

Guy 1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Guy 2: What's that

Guy 1: TMNT is the most badass thing ever
by TMNTFairyTail February 22, 2015
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Leonardo Leads
Donatello does machines
Raphael is cool, but rude
Michelangelo is a party dude!

They're the world's most fearsome fighting team!

Lame PowerRangers Kid: "TMNT sux"
Casey Jones: "shut up, do you want a fist in the mouth?"
by Matzor December 12, 2006
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teenage mutant ninja turtles
Donatello-Purple-Bo Staff
TMNT is the ultimate show with crime fighting turtles!
by giant potato shooting fish March 10, 2007
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Was a good cartoon that appeared in the late 1980s and ended in the early 1990s when some gay show called Power Rangers gained popularity with the kids. TMNT was based on the more violent and graphic comic book series. Featured four turtle ninjas and their rat sensei fighting against the minions of an evil ninja named Shredder.
Cowabunga! Turtle Power!

The first two TMNT movies were pretty cool.
by AYB March 10, 2003
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