The act of replying to annoying and stupid people on the internet with a disapproving look from Ron Swanson.
He commited the act of swansoning after the feminist called kissing a form of slavery.
by Ronf******Swanson June 9, 2017
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A delectible treat made from a succulent turkey leg wrapped in bacon.
"Is that bacon on your turkey leg?"..."Yeah, they call it a Swanson."
by Tammy Swanson May 21, 2010
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Damn, you have one exellent Swanson there, son.
by HeyLaueeb December 17, 2017
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Named for Parks and Recreation great, Ron Swanson, a noted man's man, expert whittler, creator of the Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness, steak enthusiast, and mustache aficionado.

To "Swanson" something is to succeed spectacularly. You didn't just achieve your goal, there wasn't even a hint of failure.
Girl: "You must have been starving! You Swansoned that steak!"
Boy: "Yeah, I was hungry. It was delicious."

Boy 1: "Start filming, I'm going to Swanson this jump!"
Boy 2: "Already rolling, bro, go for it!"
by KweenRider November 30, 2011
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To work the entire night making out with someone only to have him or her ditch you for someone else at the very end of the night.
Hey isn't that Jamie leaving with that guy Wiley? Weren't you making out with her all night?
Damn, son you just got swansonsed.
by BTJ, MD February 9, 2012
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When a football teams luck goes completely into the toilet. Like Cleveland browns level failure due to a bad luck fan attending or watching their games.
The dude wearing that funny team shirt showed up to our game today and the we got totally Swansoned again.
by Squad game December 17, 2021
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A group of people dedicated to the gym, they exercise every morning together, as their muscles grow, so do their friendships!
Did you see the Swanson’s at the gym this morning? They were building muscle and their friendships!
by Darth Swanson February 25, 2020
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