n. A pointless class, usually at the end of the day, where they usually deploy some teacher-in-training, or one that is perilously close to giving birth to watch a homeroom of student.

Most of the time, this class is something akin to a Catholic man's version of Hell. It is complete Anarchy, with people drawing faces on sleeping people, throwing notes, talking, having loud fights to make them feel more secure about their masculinity, and pretty much any other legal (usually) action that is normally banned from other classes.
Girl: Where did you get all those marks on your face?
Friend: I fell asleep during study hall.
by Klopp May 8, 2007
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a place where you can do your homework and stuff, and your being watched everywhere you look by teachers.
by Amos Nusheg October 9, 2007
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An extremely shitty place where you are detained by teachers and other authoritive figures.
"I always come prepared for study hall: giant rubber band, lots of ammo."
by Miller Time April 4, 2005
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A designated room for study, lasts from 45 minutes to an 1hr. Nothing to do except study.
by Saints September 22, 2003
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a pointless class ppl take instead of a blow off class a.k.a. naptime
friend a -i went to study hall 3rd hr
friend b-did u finish ur homework
friend a-no dumbass u sleep during study hall
by roondizzle November 15, 2005
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the best and most cleverly named bar in Isla Vista, the community by UCSB. It's a sports bar with that you can tell your parents you're going to without having them worry about your grades or your liver. Also THE place to go for a drink before and after graduation.
I spent most of my senior year at The Study Hall, but now worried I'll fail my blood test.

Study Hall is an integral part of upperclassman life at UC Santa Barbara.
by Matt |2 June 17, 2011
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