A literal dwarf who is ome of da best alive and likes torturing their bff ❤

Warning: a hostile species, Stefani will attack and harass u even if u treat her better than anyone on the planet
Life is such a drag, I wana kms
Oh wait dwarf Stefani is here 😱
Happi happi happi
by wisemonke August 10, 2023
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A dance that is so spastic it can be compared to a kangroo searching for its joey.

Often results in muscle or bone injury.

Recently seen as the choice of dance for the Kardashian family.
This girl is a crazy dancer, look at how she does the Stefani.

Woo! Calm down girl you finna pull a muscle doing that Stefani.
by TheRealGwen August 30, 2009
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Meaning large finger or fat fingers tat make a lot o noise when typing.
Mother: whats that loud tapping noise.
father: It is stefany typing with her big stefany fingers
mother:(bangs on wall keep it down in ther!
by kimmy p July 29, 2008
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A no good mother trucker who just wants to ruin people’s life
Girl:omg I love thing song

Stefany:ewwwww that’s the worst song I have ever heard it sounds like shit.
by Yeet SONEYONDAN November 21, 2018
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German artist known for expired Polaroid photographs that have a dreamy look with chemical mutations. Embracing a wabi sabi concept.
by Stefanie Schneider March 26, 2017
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Lead singer in No Doubt, chose to go solo and sell out even more by trying to make crappy hip hop/pop music. Has a strange obsession with Japanese Harajuku girls, even though the real Harajuku girls in Tokyo only dress like that on the weekends because they live in a conformist country. Upon asking a few Japanese exchange students at school they said that she seems like a asshole and she is trying to build a fan base in Japan even though Japanese people don’t really care for her.
by Woogy May 19, 2005
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