To slap an ass with the objective of leaving a hand print on the booty
You better not Snipe me like you did last week!

Oh God last week Todd Sniped me and it still hurts to sit down!
by Nextgenmadman June 18, 2016
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Doing something that is very challenging but coming out with a victory
Justin) Dude, look at my new girlfriend.
Ryan) What a snipe, dude!
by The snipe February 25, 2015
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To steal or hit. Can be used for both situations.
1) That kid over there just sniped your stuff!

2) I am going to snipe you in the face!
by Snipe_r March 30, 2009
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To steal or take something from someone else, most of the time without them knowing.
"I Just sniped his shirt from him."
"Im gunna snipe your candy."
by NoooooNaaaaame April 30, 2008
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Snipe n, adj

1. An abbreviatation of the term 'Sniper Rifle' which commonly is found in video games such as Halo's S2AM Sniper Rifle as its commonly refered to by the gaming populace

2. A term used to describe a kill made by a sniper rifle either in a video game or in real life.

3. A term used to describe something is obtained or secured
1: I got snipe!

2: This is Sniper Charlie Echo, enemy has been sniped

3: Dude, I totally sniped that bag of chips!
by Chris 000 March 18, 2009
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A sniper, said for short. It can also be the verb "To snipe", as in to shoot with great precision using a heavy rifle that fires either 1 or 3 shots at a time. The rifle is equipped with a magnifier and a hair cross.
- Did you see that snipe who shot JFK?
- Today on Counter Strike, I sniped a whole bunch of n00bs.
by Ibrahim December 23, 2006
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