A sexual act performed by one male to another involving their hands
They were caught in the court yard... smugging.
by Smuggee January 14, 2003
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Hurr hurr you used the same smug anime emoji every other smartass on Discord has for the last three years. You're so FUCKING FUNNY.
:smug: :smug: :smug: Look at me I can reuse a shitty emoji!!!!
by Kirtune March 16, 2020
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1) Adjective describing people who talk with their eyes closed and like the smell of their own farts.
2) Adjective describing people who always brag about their hybrid car.
3) the gas produced by smug people
Kyle's dad started emitting smug everywhere he went after he bought a hybrid car.
by E Cartman September 30, 2006
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its what people who drive hybrids are
that smug bastard thinks hes hot shit cause he drives a hybrid
by wtf do you care March 30, 2006
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It's very similiar to getting robbed, only difference is is that the robber is very smug.
''My friend got smugged yesterday, they took his wallet and phone''
by YatsuNord May 9, 2018
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When a person who is unhappy brings down someones good mood with a disparaging, smug or negative comment.

To be abruptly blindsided or taken aback by a smug or rude comment.
I was at the office today telling Kelly about my promotion when Doug walked in on the conversation. Instead of congratulating me or anything he just walked up with his black rain cloud hanging over him and proceeded to lord HIS promotion over me and tell me how much more hes getting paid then I am.
I felt like I had gotten Smugged by his negativity.
by richardslinger September 3, 2010
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