A shwank is the very precise art of having a shit and a wank at the same time such that you come at both ends at the same time causing you to pass out.

Also known as schwank.
Julian was found in a such a mess on the toilet. He must have had a Shwank
by Jizz_Staines April 1, 2008
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"hey, I'm bored, and I've got to take a shit. I guess I could just go shwank and kill two birds with one stone"
by Parnell Street Bum December 8, 2007
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to simultanously hang a shit and to wank (masterbate).
fuck yeah do it all the time,lowers your chance of getting prostate cancer by fifty percent,yeah fuck yeah shwanking is the way to go!
by Browning Smears November 15, 2003
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another meaning for "sweet" positive notation
Wow! That is shwank!
by Blythe October 29, 2004
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the easiest way to communicate that you think something is awesome .
that was shwank!!!
Yeah! that was so cool my balls switched places!!!!
by reallywhite May 7, 2011
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The act of masterbation whilst in the shower.
Shwank, shwanking.
Wanking in the shower
Tom: Hey Lewy, you look really refreshed today!
Lewy: Yeah man, just had a shwank, felt so good.
Will: Wtf is a shwank bro?
Lewy: When you have a wank in the shower!
Will: Mad!
by Larry O'Fresh May 9, 2011
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i'm off for a shwank.
by NeoSpoone March 27, 2007
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