A person of extremely high self-esteem, especially when the rest of the planet can find no supporting evidence for the
self-worshipper's obsession with himself/herself. Especially applicable if the person is holier-than-thou. This person is perfect: just ask her/him!
"Get a load of Little Miss Perfect over here."
"Yeah, she SHITS ICE CREAM."
by Snover's Missing Nose May 12, 2008
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An expression that means that everything is amazing or that someone is perfect and nice with unicorns and rainbows on top. Or it could refer to the intake of too much ice cream, and shitting it out the next day.
e.g. #1 joe-" YO MY LIFE IS AWESOME"

bob-" shutup.. no one wants to hear about you shitting ice cream"

e.g.#2 frank-" Dude, I ate so much icecream last night that I was shitting ice cream this morning."

fiona-" Wtf? that`s nasty"
by fwionajweeba July 30, 2010
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A common delusion afflicting the self-styled "nice girl" (who may be either male or female), which consists of the mistaken belief that he/she is soooo superior to the "great unwashed" masses that he/she is excused from the indignity of being subject to the same natural bodily functions as the rest of us. One specific sense of the word denotes sexual frigidity -- i.e., "nice girls" don't have orgasms; they only submit to sexual intercourse in order to fulfill their duty to God and Country.
The girl acts as though she had a Tastee Freez dispenser up her butt. Pretends the thought of having sex has never entered her mind. Yeah, right, and nice girls shit ice cream.
by Dinkum July 8, 2013
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A shitty product cover in nice advertisement or pure exaggeration in order to sell it.
Wow, this new Chinese's phone is a total shit sprinkle ice cream.
by kneegerer January 11, 2021
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when someone is stealing your thunder or makes you feel like shit
Joe- dude you throw the football like shit.
Jason-dude your shitting in my ice cream
by THE BEAST RECIEVER June 6, 2011
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